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Science Is Wrong … Only God Knows The Truth

Funny EdwardCurrent video about God and Science. And in case some relgious person goes aha! Its called Irony humour….

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Appeasing Islam

Pat Condell video about Europe appeasing Islam and its subsquent cultural sucide. because of its appeasement to Islam.

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Here are some futher links of the subject of Islam and Europe:

While Europe Slept by Bruce Bawer

Londonistan by Melanie Phillips

Free speech and radical Islam

More respect for Islam? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/amer…

Islam-West rift widens

Danish art show re-opens after Muslim threat

Dutch government’s cowardice in the face of violent threats

See the movie here

Muslims rioted in Denmark because they were “bored”

European Union covered up attacks on Jews by young Muslims

Britain’s dhimmi West Midlands police

Bradford police may have to learn about sharia law

You can download an audio version of this video at http://patcondell.libsyn.com/

Why aren’t Children Born with the knowledge of God?

And before any religious nuts out there say that they are, I   have an example to prove them wrong.  My son is seven years old.  He  has never talked about nor asked about God,  And again before the religious fanatics scream ” you atheists brainwash them”   (not that this deserves a response other than Atheists don’t brainwash their children, THEY DO), I deliberately have never spoken to my son about the concept of God, either positive  nor negative, NEVER.  So explain to me this, religious geniuses, why has my son never mentioned to me about God in any respect.  Does God not talk to children, only adults?  That doesn’t seem like very good recruiting skills to me, you would think that God would speak to all children to get them to join his following since children are the most innocent they would be more believed.

The answer is thus:  The reason why children are not born with the knowledge of god is because there is no God to  share this knowledge.

Anne Coulter: Religious Stupidity

For a long time now I have disliked Anne Coulter for her intellectual  dishonesty.  Her comments on everyone including women, immigrants and liberals have generally not failed to piss me off.  I was angered when she  wished that John Edwards would get killed in a terrorist attack and made some atrocious remarks about his dead son.  

The focus of today’s post is not to rant on about her political stupidity but  to show a few of  her idiotic relgious quotes:

  • “Not all Muslims may be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. “

  • I guess she  has forgotten about Timothy McVeigh.  Last time I checked he was not a Muslim.  And what about all those  abortion doctor murders who happen to be Christan? Oh and lets not forget the Confederates,  they were mostly Christian as well.  The Confederates are  a perfect example of what terrorists are, they were forcibly trying to overthrow the  Government , or  in their case, trying to break up the country.   Bet she won’t bring that up because the Confederates were white Christain Europeans.

  • Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity (as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of ‘kill everyone who doesn’t smell bad and doesn’t answer to the name Mohammed‘).

  • Being nice to people is a tenet of Christianity? I guess she thinks that the Inquisition, the Genocide of the American Continent, the Witch Trails are all examples of Christians being  “nice” to other people.

  • I would like evolution to join the roster of other discredited religions, like the Cargo Cult of the South Pacific. Practitioners of Cargo Cult believed that manufactured products were created by ancestral spirits, and if they imitated what they had seen the white man do, they could cause airplanes to appear out of the sky, bringing valuable cargo like radios and TVs. So they constructed “airport towers” out of bamboo and “headphones” out of coconuts and waited for the airplanes to come with the cargo. It may sound silly, but in defense of the Cargo Cult, they did not wait as long for evidence supporting their theory as the Darwinists have waited for evidence supporting theirs.
  •  Ms Coulter, Evolution is not a religion ,it is a change in the inherited traits of a population from one generation to the next .  It is a science.   While we are discrediting things,I cannot wait for the day that Anne Coulter is  discredited as a human being.  That’s more likely to happen than Evolution being discredited.

  • We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.
  • This was in regard to the Muslim countries.  Didn’t the Christians try that in the numerous Crusades? How well did that go  Ann?    Are they all Christan countries now?

    If it was not for the complete and utter ignorance and yes “evil” nature of her statements it would be funny.  But the fact that she gets air time  to express her views is atrocious.    If you think her views in regard to religion are bad,  check out some of her other views….


    God Scorns Mike Huckabee in New Hampshire

    Funny little piece about how God scorned Mike Huckabee on Tuesday.


    Wonder how ole Huck would explain his loss?  Most likely that God was testing him or some such rubbish.  Here’s an idea: what if God wasn’t a Huckabee supporter?    Or God  wasn’t a Republican.  Its amazing how the Republicans all  shout to the sky about God,  especially when they win, but noone  breathes a word about how God didn’t intervene or even possibly made them lose?  Which of the stirling  (sarcasm) Republican candidates is God supporting?  And how would they know? What if God was a Democrat?

    But oh wait, I almost forgot, there is no God.  Sorry Huck.  Guess you will have to just Worship at the alter of Chuck Norris.


    Hook, line and rapture

    Another one of Pat Condell’s gems. Deals specifically about Pat Robertson, a criminal con man.

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    Partying with Baby Jesus

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    Five Reasons why I dislike Xmas (or whatever its called)

    1. Its Bogus. Its not even a Christan holiday. The Christians ripped it off the so called pagans.

    2. It encourages lying to children and makes it acceptable For example: Santa Clause. Apparently its ok to lie to children about a non existent entity (oh and Jesus of course) but lying is not allowed at any time. Smacks of double standards and hypocrisy.

    3. The awful music. It starts earlier every year. This year a local radio station started playing Xmas music the day after Thanksgiving, 24 hours a day. So I am boycotting it.

    4. The utter madness it induces in people. Every year about this time, violent crimes rise dramatically. Apparently families cannot handle being in the same house for long periods of time. Add to that volatile mix too much food and booze and you get a recipe for disaster.

    5. Materialism. Gift giving is great but too many people see it as a competition or a chance to emotionally blackmail people into giving expensive gifts or to give children way to much stuff. Of course corporations encourage this, it brings them $$$$.

    That’s five reasons that I can presently think of. I am sure there are many other reasons to dislike this time of the year, overcrowding at malls, fake sincerity when wishing people you don’t actually like a Merry Xmas. Blatant over commercialism of a so called religious holiday. Oh and don’t forget the people who claim its not actually about religion, its about “family”. Well first of all, its not called Familymas is it? and second of all, I notice people who say that, usually have a Nativity scene in their house. I should know, my family used to be like that.

    Next stop: 2008.

    Vatican blasts “Golden Compass” as Godless and hopeless


    Yet again the Vatican  gets it wrong.  I have not seen the Golden Compass so I cannot comment on the contents of the movie and whether it not its an “atheist” movie. 
    I utterly refute the notion that the world would be a cold and heartless place without God.  First of all, the world NOW in a lot of places is a cold and heartless DUE to the notion of God and religion.   How heartwarming is it to kill people because you think that your god is better than someone eles’s  or because you think they are going to hell anyway?  How is it  a heartwarming concept to kill people  in the name of God because you think  God told you that white people were closer to god than peoples  of other colours and that they were just savages and it was perfectly a godlike thing to do to wipe whole groups of them out and steal their lands and keep them culturally castrated so they cannot stand up from the repression?   In my book. THAT is a cold and heartless world. 

    The editorial noted that the movie  had no hope and salvation didn’t exist.  That aptly describes the role of religion not atheism.  Christianity in particular, has caused millions of people to feel  there was no hope, for example victims of the Inquisition,  the Indgenious Peoples of this Continent who suffered so greatly under the heavily  Catholicand Protestant regimes of the Spanish and the English. 

    This editorial is yet another example of the Vatican closing its eyes to its own history and projecting its own values (or lack of them) onto atheism.


    Pimping for Jesus

    Pat’s special take on the Reublicans running for President, using their faith.

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